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constantly arriving and departing. with a book in hand.

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Power & Civility (The Civilizing Process, Vol. 2)
Norbert Elias, Edmund F.N. Jephcott
The Tao of Travel: Enlightenments from Lives on the Road
Paul Theroux
The Romantic Movement: Sex, Shopping and the Novel
Alain de Botton


Habibi - Craig Thompson While I appreciate the research that went into this book, I'm a bit ambivalent when it comes to the narrative. It's a story of different kinds of love, across time and space--which I'm not sure if I can say is wholly original. The drawings are beautiful--even breathtaking at times (the village scenes and drawings of the woman's body, filled with Arabic script)--but the narrative itself feels a bit half-baked. I enjoyed the use of the script metaphorically, incorporated in the storyline. The graphic novel was executed well, in the sense that the drawings flowed well like the script and the story served to educate: faith (and love, for that matter), in reality, don't start with god but within one's self; spreading out to encompass others, the world around us, and to a god.